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李青元1,2, 刘晓东2, 曹代勇1(1.中国矿业大学煤炭资源教育部重点实验室,北京 100083;2.中国测绘科学研究院政府地理信息系统研究中心,北京 100039)

摘 要
Research in WebGIS Vector Spatial Data Compression Methods


This paper introduces author's work in compress to vector spatial data, which will be transported in Internet/Intranet. On the basis of vector spatial data compression method, which is proposed by[1], the authors proposes next four innovation:(1)For vector spatial data, not only integer but also short data can be used to replace traditional double or float data. (2)The map data are mapped to a“virtual screen”, the formula of“virtual screen”width is: width=DispWidthPixel×MaxEnlargeRatio/stepWidth①. (3) In the mapping process, execute “filter points compression”to pattern points of arc(including polygon' s boundary arc and line' s arc). In the formula①, if stepWidth=1,“filter compression”has no loss in precise of map displayed, else stepWidth>1, it has precise loss in map displayed. (4)“Long edge adding point”to deal with exception of“Offset compress”to pattern points in arc, which offset in adjacent two points may larger than 127. After these compressions, a map vector data may be compressed to 20% or less.
