卢官明1(南京邮电学院信息工程系,南京 210003) 摘 要
A Multiscal Algorithm for Computing Morphological Gradient Images
() Abstract
Watershed transformation is a powerful morphological operator for image segmentation.It is performed on the gradient of the image to be segmented.Each minimum of the gradient leads to a region in the resulting segmentation.However,conventional gradient operators generally produce many local minima. Produced by noise and quantization error. Experimental result, which are caused by noise or quantization error.Hence,watershed transformation with a conventional gradient operator usually results in over segmentation.To alleviate this problem,this paper presents a multiscale algorithm for computing morphological gradient images,with effective handling of both step and blurred edges.We also present an algorithm to eliminate the local minima produced by noise and quantization error. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can effectively enhance step and blurred edges and reduce the number of local minima.Watershed transformation with the proposed algorithm produces meaningful segmentations,even without a region merging step.The proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the computational load of watershed based image segmentation methods.