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张小国1, 王庆1, 王宁1, 万德钧1(东南大学仪器科学与工程系,南京 210096)

摘 要
A Study on Road Network Model in Digital Maps and the Automatic GenerationAlgorithm of its Database


Firstly, this paper studies road information requirement of ITS oriented digital maps. Single lined road network model based on road node connection is presented. Conventional network based on road segment connection has some difficulties to represent real world road networks, however model presented in this paper works well and can be easily operated. Then, this paper mainly focuses the research of the study of automatic generation algorithm of road network databased of aforementioned model when digital maps is been making. Road segment breaking preprocess is adopted to break all road segment vectors from intersection points. Road nodes and segments information lists are created then, and through modifying the two lists, road network is traversed. Road segments and nodes are coded automatically when traversing, and at the same time topographical information is gotten. After this process, road network database can be constructed with road nodes and segments associating with each other. In the end, special cases of preprocess is discussed on intersection points getting. Experiences show that the model and algorithms presented in this paper are reasonable and feasible.
