Current Issue Cover

王兴元1, 顾树生1(东北大学信息科学与工程学院,沈阳 110006)

摘 要
The Evolution of the General Julia Sets for Negative Real Index Number


This paper expounds the definition of the general Julia sets (they are called the general J sets for short) from the complex mappingz←zα+c(α<0). A series of interesting and rich families of fractal images are generated by changing a single parameterα. Whenαis a negative integer the fractal image has a planetary configuration consisting of a central planet with α major satellite structures. For noninteger values ofα, additional embryonic satellite structures, proportional in size to the fractional part ofα, are observed. Using the experimental mathematics method combining the theory of analytic function of one complex variable with computer aided drawing, we have analyzed the structural characteristics and the evolutions of the general J set for negative real index number. That the different evolution of the general J set results from the different choice of principal range for the phase angleθis found, and the four evolutions of the general J set are given for the first time.
