Current Issue Cover

邢藏菊1, 王守觉1, 邓浩江1, 罗予晋1(中国科学院半导体研究所神经网络实验室,北京 100083)

摘 要
A New Filtering Algorithm Based on Extremum and Median Value


A new median-based filtering algorithm—extremum median filtering is presented. In order not to perturb the efficient signals as much as possible when the noises are removed, the following approaches are developed in this paper. First, all the pixels are separated into signal pixels and noise pixels according to the decision criterion given in the following; then, noise pixels are replaced with the median value of their neighborhood in the input image. The decision criterion: if a pixel value is the extremum (max or min) of its neighborhood, it is a noise pixel; else, it is a signal pixel. This decision criterion is under such an assumption: inherent relationships exist among neighbor pixels. If a pixel value is far higher or lower than the others' value of its neighborhood are, that is to say, a pixel has lower correlation with its neighbors, we may consider that it had\nbeen contaminated with noise. Else, if it is similar to the others, we consider that it represents an effective signal. Experimental results show that the assumption fits the facts quit well.In this paper, attention is forcused on filtering of images degraded by“salt and pepper”noises. Examples on images containing 184×148 pixels are given.Experimental results show that the EM filtering has better performance than standard median filtering with less subtle details being eliminated. The SNR of the image filtered with EM filter is about 4dB higher than that with median filter. This is because the operation only affects noise pixels and most of the uncontaminated pixels keep intact. Especially,in the case of lower SNR,larger filtering window improves the SNR notably. Median filter is not the case, for the filtering operation blurs the image extremely with the increasing of the filtering window.
