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刘颖滨1, 田景成1, 唐卫清1, 刘慎权1(中国科学院计算技术研究所,北京 100080)

摘 要
钢结构设计是计算机辅助设计中的一个重要分支,对钢结构工程图纸进行自动标注不仅可以极大地提高设计效率,而且能提高钢结构设计的准确性和自动化程度,为了产生有序的图纸注,结合钢结构软件的开发,提出了针对钢结构节点详图的实用性自动标注策略,并详细介绍了其中的布局策略等关键算法,从而为最终找到全自动的图纸生成方法进行有益的探索,该算法及自动标注策略所涉及的工作已经在PDSOFT Steelworks钢结构软件的开发工作中全部实现。
A Practical Automatic Dimensioning Algorithm for Joint Drawing


Design is an important branch in Computer Aided Design. The automatic dimensioning in engineering draft of steelworks could improve the efficiency of the plant disign. During the developing steelworks design software, a practical algorithm to generate the dimensions on an engineering draft describing specific parts of the steel structure. As for a general engineering draft, the variety of part shapes, the complexity of illustration contents, the abnormality of layout and technical limitations make the automatic dimensioning seem too difficult to be realized. So a special algorithm to dimension joint draft in steelworks draft is proposed. This approach divides the margin of joint draft into eight zones:left top dimensioning zone,left dimensioning zone,left bottom dimensioning zone,top dimensioning zone etc. At the same time, a leader dimensioning algorithm is proposed. These approaches are feasible to generate the ordered dimensioning items for the disordered draft drawings. The algorithms have been applied in the PDSOFT Steelworks successfully.
