Current Issue Cover

毛讯1, 王维东1, 姚庆栋1, 虞露1(浙江大学信息与智能系统研究所,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Software/Hardware Based Multimedia Video Terminal Embedded in PC


With the popularity of the application of computer and network technology, there is a bright prospect for the multimedia video terminal embedded in PC. But because of the speed limit of current computer, this terminal could not be realized with software fully. According to this condition, we analyses the computation of video codec in detail, and present a design idea for multimedia terminal based on the cooperation of software and hardware. With this idea, a multimedia video terminal is designed with a video microprocessor which is used for low level codec computation, such as DCT/IDCT, ME/MC, and Quantization/Inverse Quantization ,and PC is used for processing medium and high level task such as VLC/VLD, the construction and deconstruction of coded stream . So it takes each advantage of them fully, and not only enhances the global performance greatly, but also provides more functions. This also indicates a more economic way for MPEG2 encoder realization too.
