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谢忠1, 胡虹雨1, 李越1(中国地质大学武汉信息工程学院,武汉 430074)

摘 要
万维网地理信息系统(WebGIS)是Internet技术与现代地理信息系统技术相结合的产物。它的产生给国民经济和人民生活带来了十分深远的影响。该文在对WebGIS现状及其解决方案进行研究之后,提出了一种新的WebGIS解决方案--MAPGIS-Web。该方案以ASP组件技术为基础,以国产GIS软件MAPGIS为平台,采用目前较为流行的三层Client/Server体系结构。其中GIS Data服务器层负责所有空间数据的存取,WebGIS服务器层负责所有空间数据的逻辑运算和操作,而浏览器端只负责请求和接收HTML网页,因此该解决方案具有与客户端平台无关、软件重用性高、服务器端建站快速等特点。
A Solution of WebGIS Based on ASP Components Technology


World Wide Web Geographical Information System(WebGIS) is the combination of Internet and modern Geographical Information System. Since its naissance, it has brought great influence to the national economy and people's lives. After the study of WebGIS and its solutions,this article proposes and implements a new MAPGIS -Web solution. This solution is not only based on ASP components technology, but also based on MAPGIS--a Chinese GIS software. It adopts the fashionable three layers Client/Server architecture as its system structure. In this architecture, the GIS Data Server layer take charge of restoring the GIS data, and the WebGIS Server layer take charge of running the GIS data, and then the Browser layer take charge of submitting the command for the GIS data and getting the common HTML as the result. So this solution has a good platform independent quality at the Client, and it's can be reused easily, and it can help people to set up WebGIS Server quickly and easily.
