Current Issue Cover

哈斯巴干1, 马建文1, 李启青1, 刘志丽1, 韩秀珍1(中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101)

摘 要
Wavelet High Frequency Substitution Fusion Method


IHS transform was one of typical method for remote sensing data fusion. In resent years, newly developed method that combines advantages of IHS and wavelet algorithms makes image fusion. The result is better than single method implemented. In this paper a high frequency wavelet substitution method is introduced to improve spatial resolutions of the imagery. ETM remote sensing data 543 bands is transformed in IHS munsell color space and then I intensity was produced. Using high energy in PAN image substitutes I high energy by using wavelet. A new image is prodeced which combines both information PAN and I. Finally the new image as I' to finish IHS inverse transformation. The test result is proved that the resolution was greatly improved comparing original 543 composite in spatial resolution while keeps multi|spectral resolution. In cooperating with the demand of on going Minjiang river retum farmland into grassland project, Si Chuan, China, A 15m resolution PAN band and 30m resolution 3 bands of ETM data were selected for the method testing. Improved imagery raised the quality for monitoring land cover and land use change monitoring.
