Current Issue Cover

王毅1, 倪国强1, 李勇量1(北京理工大学光电工程系,北京 100081)

摘 要
A High-speed Image Fusion System Based on TMS320C6x


The paper describes the scheme and design of a high-speed image fusion system based on TMS320C6201 DSP, a miniaturized hardware operative platform for digital image fusion processing with high performance and good universality. Some specific problems on hardware designing multi-channel image fusion processing system are also discussed. As a result of using the latest high-performance DSP and many considerations of structural optimization, the system can meet the requirement of real-time(or quasi-real-time) two-channel image fusion processing from visible and infrared band and has the flexibility of applying various algorithms. Additional manual pixel registration function is provided with moving capturing windows. In a sense the system fairly balances heavy computation burden of multiscale-based fusion algorithms and real-time request for hardware. Actual experiments and tests indicate that the image fusion processing system works steadily and reliably. It takes on satisfactory performance and can realize quasi-real-time image fusion processing with complex algorithms such as Laplacian pyramid algorithm. This job stably founded the way to develop multi-channel real-time image fusion system for the practical purpose.
