Current Issue Cover

尤克非1, 明德烈1, 王广君1, 田金文1, 柳健1(华中科技大学电子与信息工程系,图像信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
Real-time Terrain Simplification Algorithm Based on Local Entropy and Quadtree Structure


Real-time simplification of terrain is very important in visualization of 3D terrain and Virtual Reality(VR). To best exploit the rendering performance, the scene complexity must be reduced as much as possible without leading to an inferior visual representation. The most common way to increase efficiency is the use of different levels of detail(LODs) for different areas of the scene. The algorithm in this paper is a real-time terrain simplification algorithm, based on local entropy. The algorithm adopts quadtree structure, which can provide real-time computation and high efficiency. The algorithm uses "Local Entropy" as error metric, improving the quality of simplified results. In an aspect of fixing "gaps" that is unavoidable in quadtree structure, the algorithm adopts more rational data structure to acquire higher efficiency. The experiment results indicate that the algorithm is practice and effective, which can meet the demand of real-time rendering in 3D terrain simplification and VR.
