基于shape from silhouette方法的虚拟人体构造
摘 要
逼真的人体三维模型(虚拟人体)在产品设计,计算机动画,虚拟现实等领域都有着广泛的需求,为此,提出了一种基于shape from silhouette的人体三维模型构造方法,该方法所需要的器材只是一个普通的数码相机,通过从不同角度对人体进行拍摄,然后经过摄像机定标,体积生成,表面重建,纹理映射后就可重建出逼真的人体三维模型。实验结果表明,此方法精度较高,整个过程简单快捷,是一种非常实用的方法。
Virtual Human Construction Based on Shape from Silhouette Method
() Abstract
Realistic 3D Models of Humans are widely demanded in many fields such as production design ,computer animation and virtual reality. A low cost method based on shape from silhouette is presented to construct a virtual human. Only one digital camera is used to take photos of a human from different position. Each view is calibrated individually with a calibration pattern placed on the ground. From these obtained calibrated camera views, the volume model of a person is estimated using shape-from-silhouette approach. An algorithm of surface reconstruction is used to extract the surface of the person from volume model. After texture mapping with original camera views, the realistic 3D Model of the person is obtained. In order to make the result model more realistic, some advanced techniques like texture filtering and texture synthesis are applied to the textured 3D model. Compared with some active scanning methods such as laser scanning and structured lights, the running experiment results show that this approach is very efficient and the accuracy is good enough.
Virtual human 3D reconstruction Shape from silhouette Camera calibration Surface reconstruction Texture mapping