摘 要
医学图象的定量分析对于疾病的研究。诊断与治疗起着愈来愈重要的作用。为此,利用具有强大图象处理功能的Image-ProPlus(IPP)二次开发平台,开发了国产图象采集卡的图象采集模块,同时结合国内医务人员的需求,研制了一个病理专项检测系统,该系统包括七大功能模块,集成IPP本身处理功能和利用VisualC^ 和IPP的软件开发包SDK自主编写算法,从图象采集存储,图象预处理,数据分析到结果报告一气呵成,该系统充分利用了IPP的优点,同时避免了其自身的缺点,成为国内医务人员易于使用的医学应用系统。
Specialized Pathological Analysis System Based on Image-pro plus Development Platform
() Abstract
The quantitative analysis of medical image becomes more and more important in disease studies, diagnosis, and treatment. Our goal is to construct the image sampling module of self-developed image capture card and design a specialized pathological analysis system to meet the requirement of domestic doctors and researchers. Successfully making use of the powerful functions of Image-Pro Plus(IPP), we select Visual C and software development kit(SDK) of IPP as programming language to develop self-designed plug-ins ans algorithms. Our system, which is much easier to use, includes seven functional modules. And the system, with perfoumances of image sampling, displaying, storage, preprocessing, data analysis, and resut report, is practical and convenient to learn for domestic clinical researchers.