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汪亚明1, 汪元美2(1.浙江工程学院信息电子学院,杭州 310033;2.浙江大学生物医学工程系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Estimation of Human Motion Based on A Relative Deformation Model and the Technique of Regularization


In order to improve the creditableness and robustness of the motion and structure parameters of brachium and leg which are estimated based on dynamic monocular image sequence of human motion, this paper proposes an approach to estimate the human motion using a relative deformation model and the technique of regularization. Based on the motion description mode under the object centered coordinate system, this paper proposes a non rigid motion model by incorporating deformation parameters into rigid motion model using the notion of relative deformation. In addition, based on this non rigid motion model, a new approach of the estimation of motion and structure parameters is proposed based on the technique of regularization. In the technique of regularization, by using the prior knowledge of human motion, the robust solution of motion estimation can be obtained. Results of experiments show that the method of this paper is effective for reflecting the pattern of human non rigid motion, and the motion pattern can also be reflected to some extent by the relative elasticity parameters of the non rigid motion model.
