Current Issue Cover

戴洪磊1, 夏宗国2, 黄兴元1(1.南京大学城市与资源学系地理信息系统教研室,南京 210093;2.麻省在学地理系地理信息系统教研室,美国波士顿)

摘 要
Analysing on Visual Indexes of Positional Uncertainty in GIS


We know that Line and polygon can be expressed by their feature points because point is the fundamental feature in vector GIS. Because only digital accuracy of point data is defined in the International Geographic Information System(GIS) data quality standard system, so this paper defines the visual indexes of point ellipse, line error band and polygon error donut to assess effect scope of their positional uncertainty according to the probability that the feature points dropping into their error ellipses based on the error ellipse expressing the positional uncertainty in surveying and mapping, we wish to richen and perfect the system of GIS data quality standard system and to control the data quality of many GIS databases to a higher accuracy.
