Current Issue Cover

杨忠根1,2, 许开宇1(1.上海海运学院电子工程系,上海 200135;2.中国科学院模式识别国家重点实验室,北京 100080)

摘 要
A New Algorithm to Recover 3D Shape from Two Perspective Views


In order to robustly and accurately restore the 3D vision information of an object from its two perspective views, by means of the new idea of randomly sampling the minimal redundant subset, by utilizing the data regularization technique, we develop a new algorithm, which can robustly and accurately recovers the 3D vision information of an object from its two perspective view data--the set of their feature point pairs. Random sampling can significantly reduce the sampling number of subset and make the good subset surely sampled. The redundant information contained in the minimal redundant subset can be efficiently used to check the validity and goodness of the sampled subset. The data regularization technique can greatly alleviate the numerical unstability generated from the ill posed property of the data. So, the algorithm is able to work well with high accuracy under very hard condition of heavy noise and high outlier rate. The experiments have demonstrated that the processed results are satisfactory.
