Current Issue Cover

张静波1,2, 张桂林1,2(1.华中科技大学图象识别与人工智能研究所智能控制研究室,武汉 430074;2.图象信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A Distort Algorithm for Face Image Based on Character Mesh


Morphing technique of human face image is a key technique in the field of face modelization. Based on geometrical feature of facial contour, this paper selects appropriate Feature Points and constructs a component feature mesh model adapted to face image morphing through the muscle movement principle of face organs. In order to imitate the muscle movement of facial component, such as eye, nose, brow, mouth and face contour, feature mesh constitutes two kind of synthetic muscle. One is the contour muscle which manipulates the removal of vertical direction. Another is the linear muscle that controls the displacement of horizontal direction. Thus, the movement of muscle point can be divided into two directions, vertical and horizontal, which is controlled respectively by the contour muscle and linear muscle where the point locates. Feature mesh model ensures that facial component morphing is manipulated in virtue of the change of component contour, coinciding with psychological cognition. This makes it more adapted to human image morphing than other morphing algorithms. The result of experiment shows that the facial images which generated by this algorithm are accurate, and the expression effects are more natural.
