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朱长青1,2, 王倩1, 陈虹1, 史文中2, 王耀革1(1.信息工程大学测绘学院,郑州 450052;2.香港理工大学土地测量与地理资讯学系,香港)

摘 要
Image Magnification Method based on Multi-band Wavelet Transformation


Multi band wavelet is a newly developed branch of wavelet analysis and is superior to 2 band wavelet in terms of symmetry, compact support and smoothness. There have been many studies on multi band wavelet's theory and applications in the recent years. In this paper, based on multi band wavelet transformation and interpolation theory, a new approach to magnify images is introduced. Firstly, we analyze the lack of the methods for the image magnification by general methods such as 2 band wavelet method and linear interpolation. Then we discuss the basic theory and analyze the transformation properties of multi band wavelet. Next, we study the image magnification methods by the double linear interpolation and the weight parabola interpolation. Further, we propose an approach that magnifies an image based on multi band wavelet transformation and interpolation theory. Especially the three band wavelet transformation is implemented to magnify real remotely sensing image. Furthermore, the magnification results by multi band wavelet are compared with other results based on commonly used interpolation magnification methods. Finally, the magnification images are evaluated quantitatively by mean gradient. The theory and experiments show that magnification images by multi band wavelet can retain the characteristics of original images very well and are superior to the magnified images by other commonly used interpolation methods.
