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王洪华1, 王双亭1, 杜春萍2(1.信息工程大学测绘学院,郑州 450052;2.大连黑石礁65015部队,大连 116015)

摘 要
The Fusion of Remote Sense Images by the Multi-Band Wavelet Based on Image Feature


This paper introduces the theory and method for remote sensing images fusion. Based on the multi band wavelet theory, a scheme of remote sensing images fusion based on image feature is made in this paper. In this algorithm the number of bands for wavelet transformis decided on the resolution ratio among remote sensing images, high resolution image to be fused can receive the low frequency ingredient by the multi band wavelet transform. By displacing the low frequency ingredient and the low resolution images with each other according to some relations, the new low frequency ingredient of high resolution image is formed. Then the fusion image through the inverse multi band wavelet transform can be obtained. this scheme makes best use of the information on remote sensing images to be fused and prevents the loss of image information. This method is experimented by using material images. In the proposed method all the spectral characteristics have been preserved, and the definition and the spatial quality of image have been improved. Experimental results including the fusion of SPOT panchromatic image and SPOT multi spectral images, SPOT panchromatic image and Landsat(TM) images are presented. Compared with other methods, the proposed scheme is much better and it possesses more adaptability.
