Current Issue Cover

许威威1, 潘志庚2, 张明敏2(1.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室虚拟现实和多媒体研究室 杭州310027\r\r\r\n(许威威,潘志庚),浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室虚拟现实和多媒体研究室 杭州310027(张明敏);2.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室虚拟现实和多媒体研究室,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Image Inpainting Based on Total Variational Model


Image inpainting is an important research topic in the area of image restoration, its objective is to restore the lost information according to around image information,which can be used to restore old photo. Because edge information of image is very important ,it is prior to take edge information restoring into account while designing image inpainting algorithm. Based on total variational model, a digital image inpainting algorithm is presented in this paper. Total variational model can simulate low level human vision, during the process of image inpainting, which can restore edge features in image. Numerical experiment results show that this model can restore the information in inpainting area fairly well, but it will be disturbed by the size of inpainting region, so, an information propagation method is used first to shrink the size of inpainting region.
