Current Issue Cover

李自力1, 朱光喜1, 朱耀庭1(华中科技大学电子与信息工程系,教育部图象信息处理与智能控制重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
Research on a Scheme for Seamless Composition in Virtual Studio


A scheme about the technology for the seamless composition between the presenter image shot by vidicon and the virtual environment image coming from computer in virtual studio has been investigated in this paper. A algorithm has been presented in which the plane wireframe mesh about the video object would be constructed by closed B spline based on the editable points (EP) coming from unbiased partitioning sample points on the segmentation edge about the video object. This algorithm has been used for the construction of the vision realistic graphics for the presenter in the virtual studio. The experiment has been accomplished to validate the feasibility of the algorithm submitted in this paper, which is carried through capturing on image sequences of single presenter by shooting from vidicon. The experimental result has shown the validity of the algorithm for the simple 3D reconstruction of the video object by fitting the segmentation edge curve and proved that the algorithm is effective and self adapting in the building of the graphical mesh.
