Current Issue Cover

王靖滨1,2, 李明1,2, 耿卫东1,2, 潘云鹤1,2(1.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027;2.浙江大学人工智能研究所,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Scene-Planning System Based On Augmented Reality Technique


Augmented Reality(AR) is a growing area in virtual reality research. It merges the virtual object or other additional information generated by the computer into the user's view of the real world. It is helpful to apply AR technique to the scene planning for architectural designers or beauty spot developers. In this paper, a typical AR application system--Scene Planning is introduced to demonstrate this idea.To combine the virtual buildings and real scene, the geometric coherence and illumination coherence problem must be sloved. The local 3D reconstruction and interactive camera calibration are used to resolve the geometric problem. For the illumination problem, the interactive and untomatic method is combined,and the shadow of the virtual object is also taken into account. The human's interaction is also involved during the above process. By evaluating the result image synthesized from various view angles, the designer can estimate and optimize the layout of virtual scene intuitively, and eliminate the inaccuracy during the planning process. Finally, some work under improvement and future research are also discussed.
