Current Issue Cover

王东辉1, 朱淼良1(浙江大学计算机科学系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Wipe Scene Change Detection in MPEG Video Sequences Based on Pattern Templates


The detection of transitions between shots in video programs is an important first step in analyzing video content. The wipe is a frequently used transitional form between shots. Wipe detection is more involved than the detection of abrupt and other gradual transitions because a wipe may take various patterns. This paper presents a new method for detecting wipe transition region and identifying wipe pattern based on pattern templates. In the proposed method, the dynamic pattern template(DPT) that stores the variance of the video frames in the wipe region is designed. Here, a special wipe video that only include black and white pixels are used to form the DPT. The DPT commonly has N frames. If the DPT satisfy the limit of one time scan, it can be simplifed to one frame. Then we give an algorithm based on DPTs to detect wipe region and identify wipe pattern. Here, only I and P frames are extracted from the MPEG stream for computing the wipe strip of two frames. Finally, to eliminate the disturbance of motion, Hough transform is used. Results show that the method can accurately detect wipe transition region and identify wipe pattern. Above all, the method is capable of satisfying the future wipe patterns.
