Current Issue Cover

周莉1, 孙涛2, 张伟明1(1.浙江大学信息与电子工程学系信息与通信工程研究所,杭州 310027;2.浙江大学控制科学与工程学系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
A Robust Recognition Algorithm of Scanned ECG Images


To realize ECG (electrocardiogram) and VCGr (reconstructed vectorcardiogram) combined diagnose, a solution is put forward to recover cardio signals from scanned standard synchronous 12 lead ECG image directly in order to reduce fund devotion. The cardio signals are complex, diverse and sensitive to noises, the characteristics of 12 lead ECG signals are similar with each other, and the qualities of scanned image are variant. All of these factors lead ECG signals difficult to be identified. To resolve the problems, original color image is firstly transformed to black-white image according to the defined threshold section. Then the least distance rule is applied to search the corresponding pixels for leads one by one in adjacent fields. After searching all pixels in the black white image, some missed pixels are compensated by interpolation. So the standard synchronous 12 lead ECG base lines can be recognized and ascertained. At the end, a filter is applied to remove gross errors produced by previous steps. Experiments show that the algorithm is robust and efficient because it can identify and keep the shape of original signal even when the signal contains some disease information or is corrupted by noises.
