Current Issue Cover

吕建峰1, 刘定生1, 焦伟利1, 李国庆1(中国科学院中国遥感卫星地面站,北京 100086)

摘 要
数字高程模型DEM(Digital Dlevation Model),是一种表示三维空间连续起伏状态的数学模型,如今在各行业应用十分广泛。针对DEM生成过程中计算复杂、数据量大的特点,在分析几种常用的DEM生成算法的基础上,以线性内插算法为样本,对DEM生成算法的并行化处理问题进行了深入研究。研究中,分别从数据并行和算法并行的角度,对DEM生成算法并行化进行了分析,并在网络分布式机群下进行了数据处理实验,取得了较好的并行处理效果。最后,进一步根据实验结果,讨论了责任发解方法的并行效率,提出了DEM生成算法并行化的有效途径。
Parallel Algorithms Research on the Interpolation of DEM


Digital elevation model(DEM) are collections of elevation points and could be used to describe the geographical features and to show the terrain surface in three dimensions over a certain area. This features are more important for various applications. DEMs are created by collecting elevations and referencing them to corresponding points in the mapped area. The elevations add a Z value to the ground's X and Y horizontal coordinates. However, it is always more difficult to get DEM and normally needs more computing time to generate DEM since its complicated algorithm and huge data. In order to speed up the generating of DEM, this paper makes some sensitive study on the parallel processing of the interpolation of DEM. Based on the analyzing of several common interpolation methods of DEM, the linear interpolation (sometimes called Proportional Distance Method) was chosen as our basic algorithm. Meanwhile, data parallel and algorithm parallel approaches were applied to this basic algorithm. Through the experiences at networked parallel processing system some good results were obtained and proposal for further research on this topic was provided.
