Current Issue Cover

任仙怡1, 廖云涛1, 张桂林1, 张天序1(华中理工大学图象识别及人工智能研究所图象信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A New Correlation Tracking Method


The presence of the difference of the gray value and the distortion between the object image and the reference image is inevitable, traditional matching method will tend to be degraded by the noise and the occlusion because that every pixel in the image will do equal contribution to the matching result. From another viewpoint, this paper proposed a new image matching method based on a novel distance measurement. It counts not the distance of the gray level of the two images, but the number of the pixels in the object image which are close to the pixels in the reference image. Then applied the measurement method to the process of the image matching. The correlation curve got in this way is much more sharp. So the image matching method has high match precision. And in the procces of the tracking, there must be many change in the object image, then the resonable updation of the reference image will be the key of the tracking problem.On the basis of the similarity measurement, a suitable template updating strategy is presented. The stability of the algorithm has been improved greatly in this way. The experiments showed that this method was very promising.
