Current Issue Cover
SIR—C C波段和L波段雷达干涉数据生成DEM的比较

庞勇1, 李增元1, 陈尔学1, 白黎娜1(中国林科院资源信息所遥感室,北京 100091)

摘 要
为了研究波长对干涉雷达生成DEM质量的影响,以黑龙江省加格达齐地区为实验区,通过对美国航天飞机SIR-C/X-SAR C波段和L波段雷达单视复型(SLC)数据的处理,分别得到了两个不同的DEM,这两个DEM存在着一定的差异,通过与干涉相关性、相位解缠等干涉处理中的关键因素相结合进行的分析,揭示了干涉SAR技术生成DEM的精度与干涉相关性、波长的关系;同时,从另一个侧面说明了用InSAR技术生成DEM的可行性和影响因素;最后,利用1:50000地形图对干涉SAR生成的DEM误差进行了分析,并分析了地形图控制点精度对干涉SAR生成DEM的影响。
Compare of DEMs Generated from SIR-C C-band and L-band SAR Data


SAR interferometry(InSAR) technology uses the phase information of single look complex(SLC) SAR data to get three-dimensional information of the earth surface. This technology has been in the front line of radar field since last decade. In recent years, this technology has been widely used in many remote sensing fields. To research the effect of wavelength to InSAR DEM, in the test site of Jiagedaqi district, Heilongjiang province, DEMs are generated from SIR-C/X-SAR C-band and L-band single look complex(SLC) data. There are some differences between them. Then the analysis are taken with interferometric coherence, phase unwrapping etc. So the relationships between accurate of DEMgenerated from InSAR and coherence, wavelength are illustrated, which also demonstrates the feasibility and affecting factor of DEM generated from InSAR. At last, 1∶50 000 topographic map is used to evaluate the accurate of DEM. The effects of ground control points’(GCP) accurate are analyzed to InSAR DEM.
