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李华1, 朱光喜1, 朱耀庭1(华中科技大学电信系图象教研室,图象信息处理与智能控制国家教育部重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A Survey of Object Metamorphosis


A metamorphosis or a morphing is the process of continuously transformation one object into another, which is widely studied in graphics, simulation, animation and virtual reality technologies etc., and has great signification. Many metamorphosis techniques have been proposed in recent years for 2D or 3D objects. An almost comprehensive survey of the different approaches of object metamorphosis is presented in this paper. Study and development of metamorphosis problem is given in the field of the metamorphosis principle, 2D metamorphosis and 3D metamorphosis technologies, especially the technologies based on mathematical morphology. The final section analyzes the key points and the prospects of object metamorphosis, which lead to the important problems to be considered and solved.
