Current Issue Cover

袁景玉1, 沈天行2, 谭柏红1(1.河北工业大学建筑系,天津 300130;2.天津大学建筑学院,天津 300072)

摘 要
探索投光灯具配光性能的精确表达,提出了一种利用一幅灰度图象表现灯具配光特性的新方法,通过垂直于灯具主光轴的一幅灰度图象上各点的灰度值及位置坐标,可以由程序计算出灯具在此方向上的发光强度;采用摄影及图象处理方法获取灯具的空间配光分布图,建立灯具的配光图象数据库,解决了非对称 配光灯具用常规配光曲线难以表达的配光问题,并给出使用配光分布图的光照效果实例,该方法可用于三维场景真实光照效果模拟及灯光设计。
A New Description Method for the Luminous Intensity Distribution of Spotlight


It discusses a new method of the description about the luminous intensity distribution of spotlight. An image with 256-brightness-grades on a plane which is perpendicular to spotlight's main axis is created, from which the lighting direction and intensity can be calculated by each pixel's brightness and location. By this way, the luminous intensity data of luminaries or lights can be accessed, stored or calculated easily, and the expression for unsymmetry-luminous-distributed spotlights is more accurate. This method may take an important role in the simulation and visualization of lighting environment. Using a picture of brightness to express the LID of the spotlight is correspond to put infinite curves from all the connected planes in range of 360 degree surrounding the main light axis to a picture and display it directly. It is especially convenient to the LID-adjustable spotlight used for TV and movie. A system is developed using a set of camera and white diffuse reflection wall to take the lighting picture from which the luminous intensity distribution image can be created after being processed according to the camera exposure latitude. Example pictures of lighting scenes using the distribution images are given.
