Current Issue Cover

王世杰1, 王立功1, 罗立民1(东南大学生物科学与医学工程系,南京 210096)

摘 要
Adaptive Thresholding of Statistical Parametric Map in fMRI


In order to accurately identify and locate the functional active information, an objective and effective threshold must be found to threshold the statistical parametric map of fMRI. This paper reports a method to threshold the statistical parametric map of fMRI, which combines controlling the false discovery rate with analyzing the spatial correlation of the cortical hemodynamic responses. Firstly, for identifying the active voxels, the proposed method determines threshold based on controlling false discovery rate. Secondly, it analyzes and tests the correlation of hemodynamic responses between the identified active voxels and their 26-neighboring voxels. Not only can it select the threshold adaptively, but can identify the false active voxels caused by stochastic factors, with the strong capability of identifying and locating the functional active information. The proposed method is validated by using both simulation study and real fMRI data analysis.
