Current Issue Cover

张芝兰1(中国科学院文献情报中心,北京 100080)

摘 要
该文采取统计分析的方法,对 1996年 5月 - 2 0 0 2年 6月间出版的《中国图象图形学报》,从论文作者情况、论文引文情况、读者利用情况等 3个方面,对该刊所发表的学术论文进行了分类统计,并在此基础上系统分析了《中国图象图形学报》的基本特点,其目的是通过统计分析,为该刊进一步总结经验,提高质量,充分发挥其作为自动化技术和计算机技术的核心期刊在加强学术交流,活跃学术思想,繁荣学术研究,促进学科发展等方面的积极作用.通过分析可以看出,该刊虽然创办时间不长,但已经形成了一支素质较高的专业作者队伍和比较稳定的读者群,在推广科研成果,反映研究进展,促进学术交流,推动学科建设等方面已经发挥了重要作用,这也从一个侧面进一步印证了《学报》被确定为我国自动化技术、计算机技术类核心期刊的合理性.
Analysis on the Articles and its Utilization of "Journal of Image and Graphics"


This paper analyses the characteristic of "Journal of Image and Graphics" based on the analysis on the theses, the authors, the quotations and the situation of utilization by readers that issued on "Journal of Image and Graphics" between May on 1996 and June on 2002. It is purpose that the Journal can take an active effect on strengthening interflow?activating thought?prospering research on technicality and advancing the science development by statistics. The Journal has specialist writers and steady readers though it found only a little time. This paper also reveals the present conditions of research on Image and graphics, affirms the rationality of the Journal as one of the core issues in natural science in China.
