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颜世磊1, 陈世军2, 史玉平3(1.中国石化胜利油田有限公司物探研究院,东营 257022;2.同济大学海洋地质与地球物理系,上海 200092;3.中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029)

摘 要
A Method of Automatically Identifying and Extracting Seismic Waveforms from Old Seismic Eections


Without digital data, how to fully make use of the old optical analogue seismic sections and films and to renewedly constrast, reinterpret, especially to reprocess and restore them (including those on which have been manually interpreted), how to solve the problem that the hard copied seismic sections can only be read but not be further reprocessed, an effective approach has been put forward in this paper. Which makes it possible to reprocess and reinterpret old seismic sections and films. According to the graphical image processing technology, the seismic waveforms on the rasterized images scanned from paper seismic sections can be refined, identified and extracted and be converted into digital data, then be reformatted as the standard SEG-Y format, which can be used for being further processed and interpreted. Analyzing the results of applying this approach to old paper seismic sections, we realize that in the digitalized seismic sections their original characteristics can be effectively retrieved. Therefore this approach is feasible to reconstruct old paper seismic sections.
