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唐世浩1, 朱启疆1, 周宇宇1, 白香花1, 帅艳敏1(北京师范大学资环系遥感与GIS研究中心,北京 100875)

摘 要
A Simple Method to Estimate Crown Cover Fraction and Rebuild the Background Information


Crown cover fraction is an important ecological and environmental parameter. It's very important for the study of global environment change and observation. How to estimate crown cover fraction from remote sensing data and how to improve its precision are key work for the developing of global or regional climatic and ecological models. In the study, the authors developed a new method to estimate crown cover fraction according to the characters of soil and vegetation spectra and the definition of crown cover fraction. Furthermore, they also put forward a more simple method on that basis, which is called maximal gradient difference method. Once the crown cover fraction is known, the background spectra for pixels that are partly covered by vegetation can be rebuilt easily under the assumption of linear spectra mixing. Using the above method, the authors have successfully retrieved background information of a TM image of Colorado State. The introduced methods are simple, easy to performance, and can separate the effect of soil and vegetation effectively, so it's possible for them to replace the method of estimating crown cover fraction from NDVI, which is used widely at present. The authors also pointed out that if noise is removed from data before performing the method, the result will be much perfect.
