摘 要
为了能够对骨龄进行简单、快速有效的检测,研究了一种基于活动形状模型 ASM(Active Shape Models)的骨龄评价系统实现方法.该方法通过对手骨 X射线图象中显示的骨骼进行定位、边缘检测,首先得到用于骨龄评价的骨骼边缘,然后根据“中国人手腕骨发育标准 CHN法”对骨骼按等级进行分类,最后综合各个骨骼的等级来评价骨龄.实验表明,应用基于先验知识的 ASM模型来检测骨骼边缘和利用模型参数来量化 CHN法中骨骼等级的抽象描述,不仅改善了边缘检测的效果,并得到了有效的骨骼分类方法,也证明了基于 ASM模型的骨龄评价系统具有满意的正确率和稳定性.
A Research of Bone Maturation Evaluation System Based on Active Shape Models
() Abstract
A bone maturation evaluation system based on Active Shape Models is reported in this paper. By the system the bones in a hand X-radiographic image are located and their edges are detected. According to the standard of Chinese wrist bone maturation--CHN, the bones are sorted into different grades. Having gotten all grades of the bones in the hand image, the data of bone maturation can be computed by combination of the grades with different weights. The edges of the bones in X-radiograph image are faint and the grades' definitions of CHN are very abstractive. It is difficult to detect the edges of the bones and make correct classification of them. The Active Shape Models, based on the prior knowledge of the bones' edges, is used to detect the edges of the bones and vectorize the grades' definitions in CHN. The experiments reveal that the method of Active Shape Models is valid in bones' edges detection and grades classification. Tested with a set of hand X-radiograph images, the bone maturation evaluation system has good accuracy and stability.