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严燕儿1(南京大学城市资源系,南京 210093)

摘 要
Voronoi图是一种基本几何结构,也是解决相关几何问题的有效的工具.为了有效地解决 GIS中的空间目标间关系的动态构建、显示等问题,首先重点探讨了用 Voronoi图扩展的空间数据模型,然后主要从空间数据建模语义的角度出发,在研究 GIS面向对象的空间数据模型的基础上,提出了用 Voronoi多边形来部分地代替面向对象的数据模型间的关系定义,并给出了一个基于 Voronoi多边形的面向对象数据模型的框架.该模型由于利用了Voronoi图具有的能良好地表示空间目标邻近关系的特性,并且由于通过空间目标的位置,能动态地获取和显示空间目标间的邻接关系,因而可以有效地弥补目前拓扑数据模型中,计算更新复杂及不能表示空间上邻近,而几何上不相接目标间的空间关系和栅格数据模型中不能有效地表达目标间拓扑关系的不足的问题,实践证明,这是一种较为理想的表示复杂空间关系的数据模型.
The Research of The Voronoi-based Spatial Data Model


Voronoi diagram is one of the basic geometrical structures, an effective tool to solve the relatively geometrical problems. To meet the requirement of the dynamical construction and display of the relationship between spatial objects, the Voronoi-based spatial data model is put forward in this paper, which is developed on the basis of the generic object-oriental data model and can dynamically display the adjacency relations between spatial objects. In this model, voronoi polygons replace the part of the spatial relation definition in the object-oriental data model, and the frame of the Voronoi-based spatial data model is brought forward. This paper mainly focuses on the construction of the Voronoi-based spatial data model in the view of the semantic conception about spatial construction. The model is designed to make up the deficiency in the topological structure and the raster structure, and is a very effective data model to represent complicated spatial relations.
