Current Issue Cover

石振锋1, 赵辉1(哈尔滨工业大学数学系,哈尔滨 150001)

摘 要
对景物密集的复杂场景,提出了基于主要遮挡物的动态可见性算法.该算法通过场景中预先定义的主要遮挡物,动态地形成一个遮挡树,位于遮挡树遮挡区域中的景物将被剔除.当场景按照 BSP树组织,并按从前向后的顺序绘制场景时,算法具有高效率.对主要遮挡物采用简化的遮挡物代理,对盒子类型的遮挡物提出了一种有效的简化算法.该算法已经被“RTG三维图形开发工具包”采用,经实际验证,对复杂场景,该算法可以明显地提高绘制速度
A Run-time Visibility Algorithm Based on Major Occluder


A run time visibility algorithm based on major occluder for complicated scene with high density is presented. First, some classic visibility algorithm such as Beam Tree, Potential Visible Set(PVS) technique and other ideas based on shading objects are summarized in this paper. Then an improved algorithm based on real time application is presented. By creating an occluding tree dynamically through primary shading objects predefined in the scene user designed, the new algorithm can eliminate all objects and scenes in the shading area of the shading tree. The algorithm performs very high efficiency when the scene user designed is organized according to Binary Space Partitioning(BSP) tree and rendered from front to back. The algorithm apply simplified shading proxy different form shading objects to primary shading objects, and present an efficient and practical simplified method for shading objects with box type. The new improved algorithm has been applied to RTG 3D Real time Graphics Toolkits and the ability of obviously increasing rendering speed for complicated scene has been verified by many practical instances in developing procedure.
