Current Issue Cover

郑华利1, 周献中1, 王建宇1(南京理工大学自动化系,南京 210094)

摘 要
Automatic Color Segmentation of Topographic Maps Based on the Combination of Spatial Relation Information and Color Information


Based on the analysis of the color error in topographic map images such as transitional color and color distortion, the deficiency of available algorithms that only make use of color information in map segmentation is indicated. To get correct segmentation, the information in the map must be explored sufficiently. Simulating the integrated process of visual information abstracting, a novel concept of spatial relation information is defined. According to the feature of topographic map the distribution character of pixels relations in the image is analyzed and then proposes the method of how to recover spatial relation information. By the transformation of color spaces and the improved fuzzy clustering algorithm the color of pixels in the map is evaluated with different membership degree. At last spatial relation information and color information is combined in the segmentation of color map. As a result, color error in the map is restrained effectively. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm achieves robust and precise segmentation. Furthermore, the algorithm can recognize some elements in topographic map directly. It has established a fine basis for automatic vectorization of color topographic maps and introduces a new approach for image analysis.
