Current Issue Cover

罗强1, 任庆利2, 罗莉3, 杨万海1(1.西安电子科技大学电子工程学院,西安 710071;2.西安交通大学电气工程学院,西安 710049;3.国防科技大学计算机学院,长沙 410043)

摘 要
为了提高图象压缩效果,提出了一种比较新颖的基于图象压缩系统的构造最优双正交小波滤波器的设计方法,即在图象编码中,从选择小波基的原则出发,并以最常用的 Antonini's 9/ 7小波基为参考,选择 SPIHT为压缩方法,以压缩效果为准则来构造最优的双正交小波基,并且采用 L ena为标准训练图象 ;然后以压缩比为参数,通过得到最大的峰值信噪比来寻找最优的双正交小波基,从而将复杂的多输入,两输出问题简化为多输入单输出的最优化问题 ;最后用遗传算法解决这种最优化的问题,得到了最优的双正交小波基.训练和检验的结果表明,这种最优的双正交小波基比 Antoninis 9/ 7小波基压缩效果有所提高.
Optimization Design of Biorthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks for Image Compression


In this paper, a new approach for optimization design of biorthogonal wavelet filter in image compression is presented. In the process of image encoding, we start with the principle of choosing wavelet bases , make the widely used Antonini's 9/7 wavelet basis the baseline solution, exploit the image compression method of the set partitioning in hierarchical tree(SPIHT), find the optimization filter coefficients of a biortherogonal filter bank that gives the image compression the best performance. We use Lena as the standard train image, make the compression rate as parameter, apply the genetic method and find the optimization of biorthogonal wavelet filter banks that maximizes the PSNR. It is an optimization problem. In train and test, the results are that the image compression performance is better to use the new optimization biorthogonal filter banks than the Antonini's 9/7 biorthogonal filter banks.
