Current Issue Cover

唐敏1, 董金祥1(浙江大学CAD/CG国家重点实验室,人工智能研究所,杭州 310027)

摘 要
为了在某些限时操作下得到实时交互的速度,提出了一个分布式的雕塑实体模型布尔操作并行算法.该算法在各个阶段抽取的并行性和原串行算法的拓扑相关性之间采取了折中的策略,并对于不同的并行任务,采用了不同的任务均衡手段.该算法已经在一个由 10台 P /35 0微机和由 5台 SGI O2工作站组成的异构型局域网上得到实现.实验结果显示,该算法获得了理想的加速比,对于复杂雕塑实体的造型,操作平均可在 3s~ 4 s完成,因此能满足实时交互的需要.
A Distribute Algorithm for Boolean Operations of Sculptured Solids Based on a Heterogeneous LAN


To fulfill the demand of some time-critical operations, we presented a distribute algorithm for Boolean operations of sculptured solids. The algorithm exploits parallelism at all stages of the Boolean operation between sculptured solids, and made a good compromise with the relevancy of the topological entities involved in. And different load balancing strategy is used according to different kinds of the distribute tasks undertaken. The algorithm can distribute the notoriously computation cost of Boolean operations between complex sculptured solids on a heterogeneous LAN, and have been implemented in a heterogeneous LAN which is composed by 10 PentiumII/350 PCs and 5 SGI O2 workstations. A good degree of parallel computation can get from the experiment datum. The algorithm is used in a modeling kernel for a feature-based parametric modeling system named GS-CAD, and is able to interactively evaluate the boundaries of Boolean operations of complex sculptured solid in average 3-4 seconds. It can also be easily extended to collision detection algorithm between sculptured solids.
