Current Issue Cover

张旗1, 梁德群2, 李文举3, 沈小艳2(1.大连海事大学自动化与电气工程学院,大连 116026;2.大连海事大学信息工程学院,大连 116026;3.辽宁师范大学计算机与信息技术学院,大连 116038)

摘 要
Image Classification for Image Compression and Compression Result Forecast


There is a considerable amount of redundant information in image data which makes image compression possible. Redundancy of data, spatial redundancy in particular varies with different images. It is necessary to study the spatial redundancy of compressed images and reduce the random selection of image compression methods. In this paper, a novel idea of image classification for image compression is proposed and its algorithm is presented too. The distribution of wavelet high frequency coefficients in images is considered while edge active measure (EAM) is defined to describe the nature of images in this algorithm. By EAM images can be classified and compression result can be forecasted .The experiments have shown that the image classification and result forecast implemented in this paper make sense and correspond to human visual understanding. The idea suggested in this paper has been of great value to the election and optimization of algorithms for different purposes.
