Current Issue Cover

刘君强1, 潘云鹤2(1.浙江大学人工智能研究所,杭州 310027;2.杭州商学院计算机信息工程学院,杭州 310035)

摘 要
Design and Implementation of FIPT-Based Spatial Association Rules Mining Algorithm


Spatial association rule discovery in spatial databases is a very important data mining task. In this paper, a two stage strategy for the discovery of spatial association rules in geographical databases is proposed. The spatial computational overhead is greatly reduced by top down refinement of spatial predicate granularities and multiple recursions of single level boolean association rule discovery step, which is the key step of the algorithm. The single level boolean association rule mining algorithm, FPT Generate, is detailed. FPT Generate uses the frequent item prefix tree, FIPT, to compress and project frequent item sets, and discovers association rules by growing a frequent pattern tree, FPT, by depth first search. The algorithm FPT Generate generates association rules without candidate generation and without redundant scans of databases. Optimizing techniques for the implementation, such as pseudo projecting and pruning, dynamic threading and hashing, and disk based partitioning, are also discussed. Experiments show that spatial association discovery systems powered by FPT Generate are much more time efficient and space scalable than those powered by the classical algorithm, Apriori. Finally, a spatial association rule discovery system, SmartMiner, upon the support of MapInfo Professional, is developed.
