Current Issue Cover

周欣1, 黄席樾1, 黎昱1(重庆大学自动化学院导航制导研究所,重庆 400044)

摘 要
Lane Keeping and Distance Measurement Based on Monocular Vision


Vehicle intelligent auxiliary drive system is the important part of the intelligent transport system. Using computer vision technique to solve this problem is a challenge work for every researcher in this field. The lane keeping and distance measurement based on the computer vision technique is the key problems of the auxiliary drive system. This paper describes the 2D reconstruction and distance measurement algorithms based on the monocular vision. The image is captured by CCD camera on the highway. The key thought is that establishes restriction functions for lane lines, tracks and reconstructs the lane line, gets the necessary parameters for lane keeping. Then based on the 2D reconstruction and geometric restriction, the distance between the vehicle and the obstacle can be measured with a single view. This paper also analyzes the parameters of the lane and gives the rule for lane keeping for automation navigation. All the algorithms are finished by VC++6.0. The experiments on highway in Sichuan province and Chongqing city show that the lane keeping algorithm is real-time and accurate enough to utility; and the accurate of monocular measurement algorithm can be accepted by the collision avoidance. The whole system can work well with 80km/h on the highway. To improve the real-time quality of monocular measurement algorithm is the next work.
