Current Issue Cover

郭坡1, 彭思龙1, 余达太1, 孙昌国1(北京科技大学信息工程学院,北京 100083)

摘 要
插补方法是图象超分辨率 (super- resolution)技术的一个重要方面.插补处理后,数字图象的视觉质量主要依赖于图象轮廓边缘的两个因素 :(1)跨越边缘方向的灰度值变化比较尖锐 ;(2 )沿边缘方向的灰度值变化比较平滑.着重考虑以上两个因素,提出了一种新的插补方法,以获得清晰的图象边缘,从而获得较好的数字图象放大效果
Edge Information Retained Super-resolution Restoration for Still Image


Interpolation is an important method for super resolution technology. We believe that visual quality of an interpolated image mainly depends on two factors of an edge profile: (1) The gray value across the edge orientation is sharp; (2) The gray value along the edge orientation is smooth. For this reason, we propose a new interpolation method in this paper. Firstly, we detect the edge using Canny operator and interpolate along the edge. Secondly, we retain edge information of the original image by retaining pixels abutting against the edge in low resolution image abut against the edge in high resolution image and we smooth along pixels abutting against the edge in high resolution image for protecting edge information. Thirdly, we process the smooth region. Finally, we interpolate pixels between the pixel abutting against the edge and smooth region. By this method, we can create a clear edge image and therefore obtain a better magnified digital image.
