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陆娟1, 王建1, 石丽1(南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210097)

摘 要
为了探讨形如海岸线等不规则曲线的微观结构、模拟方法以及它是否具有相似性等特征,在有关研究基础上,以江苏省海岸线为例,结合分维的计算方法,利用“中点随机细分内插法”和“改进后的科契曲线法”探讨了海岸线的模拟生成方法 ;着重介绍了“改进后的科契曲线法”的具体实现原理和模拟过程.在此基础上,根据不同的条件和模拟要求,不仅可以模拟一段海岸线,计算其相应分维值的大小,同时也能在一定范围内生成指定大小维数的海岸线.通过对该方法的运用以及在 GIS技术的支持下,设计了一个分形模拟实用程序,并对该程序做了简单介绍和功能分析,利用该程序对比例尺为 1∶ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0的江苏省海岸线进行了实际模拟 ;模拟结果表明,模拟出的海岸线是自相似的,具有分形性质,且采用 GIS技术对之进行模拟也是切实可行的
Simulation for Coastline Based on GIS and Fractal


In order to discuss the micromechanism and the simulating method of the curve like coastline. On the basic of the method calculating fractal dimension, and taking the Jiangsu Province coastline as an example, this paper uses the midpoint subdivision interpolation method and the Koch curve method to explore the simulated coastline generation. It puts emphases on the method of Koch curve; introduces its principle of realization and its process of simulation. According to different conditions and needs for simulation, it can not only simulate a section of coastline, calculate its dimension, but also can generate the coastline which dimension is appointed. By this way and with the support of GIS technology, the author designs a utility programmer for simulation based on fractal, and introduces flow of the programmer and analyzes its function in brief. Finally, the coastline of Jiangsu which scale is 1:2000000 is simulated by this program. Finally,some significant conclusions are drawn:(1)the coastline has the fractal character, it's self simulation. (2)the degree of the coastline is direct proportion to the fractal dimension. (3)if the method of simulation is different, the result is also not the same. (4)the technology of GIS is fitting for simulating the coastline.
