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胡雪莲1, 程承旗1, 孙永军1, 马蔼乃1(北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871)

摘 要
论文从分析 GIS发展的角度,提出了协作 GIS(Cooperative GIS),即协同操作的地理信息系统,简称Co GIS.分析了 Co GIS中天、地、人、机关系,指出 Co GIS是面向群体用户、支持人人交互的 GIS;讨论了 GIS组通讯问题,并指出 Co GIS要体现以人为本的思想.Co GIS是在计算机支持协同工作 (CSCW)的基础上,面向空间问题,融合了地理信息、地理数据、GIS操作及应用等方面的复杂性,因此 Co GIS不同于一般的 CSCW应用,其在军事指挥、应急响应、电子政务、虚拟企业等领域及群体协作的应用中将有很好的发展前景
The Concept of CoGIS


Based on the analysis of the development of GIS application and technology, this paper brought forward the concept of CoGIS, namely Cooperative Operation GIS. Outer space earth man computer relationship in CoGIS was analyzed, CoGIS was GIS supporting human human interaction, and geographical information group communication in CoGIS was discussed, all of which made it differ from former GISs. CoGIS should embody the human oriented idea. Then, the characteristics of general CSCW application and the complexity of Geographical Information Science were analyzed, and the conclusion that CoGIS was not a simple GIS layer on CSCW was reached. Further, this paper brought forward the research content of CoGIS, and discussed some of them in detail as following: modeling theory and system architecture, distributed multi source GIS and knowledge sharing platform, group spatial decision making, CoGIS and VR(virtual reality), CoGIS and multi agents. Finally, this paper analyzed CoGIS application mode in brief.
