Current Issue Cover

章立亮1(宁德师范高等专科学校数学系,福建宁德 352100)

摘 要
Making of the Totally Disconnected Fractal Graphics


It makes a totally disconnected fractal image.The method for getting the IFS code from fractal image using the IFS code to draw the fractal image based on Iteration Function System are discussed.Traditional fractal method has been applied to the simulation of natural scenery.This paper attaches importance to the improvement of traditional fractal modeling.A iterated function systems is lifted liter iterated function systems to use similarity cantor rally and using the method of adjustment parameter make a large amount of fractal image totally disconnected and the relation is found the similarity cantor rally and the fractal image.It uses varying parameter for getting a large amount of fractal image.A simple image technique is given for computer simulation of the fractal image.The experimental result is shown to demonstrate that the model is simple and valid.I has been known that Iteration Function System is a very important method for generating fractal images.It show that Iteration Function System is also an effective way to generate ordinary planar curves.
