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刘箴1, 潘志庚1(浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027)

摘 要
近年来,虚拟人行为动画已经成为计算机动画一个新的分枝,已往的研究多集中在虚拟人局部的情绪表达动画方面,如脸部动画,而对于给定的虚拟场景,则尚未考虑情绪产生的原因.情绪是虚拟人和虚拟环境交互作用的结果,然而在计算机动画领域,虚拟人的情绪至今尚未得到清楚的描述.为此,依据心理学的理论,提出了虚拟人情绪行为的动画模型,即,首先提出了情绪集合和情绪表达集合的概念,并建立了从情绪状态到情绪表达之间的映射 ;其次,着重分析了情绪产生的原因,并引入了情绪源的概念,如果一种情绪刺激的强度大于情绪的抵抗强度,那么这种情绪就会产生 ;此外,情绪状态可以采用有限状态机来描述,据此提出了情绪的变化流程 ;最后,在微机上通过调用 Microsoft Direct3D API,实现了虚拟人的情绪行为动画
Animation Model of Emotional Behavior on Virtual Human


Behavior animation of virtual human is an interesting branch of computer animation in recent years. Many researchers focused on the local expression animation of virtual human emotion, such as facial animation system, and did not consider the reason of emotion to a specific virtual scene. Emotion is the result of interaction between virtual human and virtual environment, the emotion of virtual human has not gained clear description up to the present in the field of computer animation. This paper presents an animation model of emotional behavior for virtual human on the basis of psychology theory. First, this paper introduces the concept of emotion set and emotion expression sets, and sets up a function from emotion state to emotion expression; Second, this paper pays attention to the reason of emotion and introduces the concept of emotion origin, if the strength of an emotion stimulus is bigger than the resistive capacity of an emotion, then the emotion will occur; Third, the emotion state can be expressed as a finite state machine (FSM), and an emotion transfer flow is presented. As a result, a demo of virtual human emotion behavior is realized on personal computer by calling the Microsoft Direct3D API with the programming visual c.
