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王莉莉1, 赵沁平1(北京航空航天大学计算机学院虚拟现实新技术国家教育部重点实验室,北京 100083)

摘 要
针对使用 L 系统进行植物几何建模的具体过程随规则定义的变化而变化的问题,提出了一种较为通用的基于 L 系统规则语言分析器的解决方法,即通过归纳和抽象得到可以定义多种 L 系统规则的语言 L- plants,并为其构造语言分析器,完成 L 系统开始状态和规则的识别,进行规则替换,以形成最终的字符串,最后使用形状语法对字符串进行解释,建立出植物的几何模型.实验证明,该方法可以较大幅度地提高植物几何建模的效率
A General Method for Plants Modeling


When graphically modeling plants, the process of L-system changes with different rule definitions. As a general method, a language parser based on L-system rules is presented in this paper. Firstly, this method acquires and constructs the parser of, through induction and abstraction, L-plants which is a language able to define various L-system rewrite rules. Secondly, the start state and the rules of L-system are recognized with the parser and then the rule replacement is executed to produce a string. At last, the shape grammar is used to model a specific plant while it parsing the string. This plant modeling method proves to be highly efficient with experiments and with it users can pay more attention to designing the shape of plants and defining the rules of L-system than to thinking about the details of how to replace in each step. This method also has good expansibility. When users want the parser to recognize other types of rules of L-system, they can simply add some new syntax expressions in syntax definition files.
