Current Issue Cover

王开义1, 赵春江1, 胥桂仙2, 宋晓宇1(1.国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心,北京 100089;2.中央民族大学计算机系,北京 100081)

摘 要
目前在 GIS领域,对最短路径搜索问题的研究和应用较多,其中最短路径搜索算法的效率问题是普遍关注和在实际应用中迫切需要解决的问题.通过对基于 Dijkstra最短路径搜索算法的优化途径的分析,从算法本身和数据存储结构两个方面同时对此问题的解决方案进行了优化,提出了直线优化 Dijkstra算法,并进行了必要的证明和适用条件论述.此方案应用到“全国主要城市间公路信息查询”系统中,取得了较为满意的效果,同时也给出了相关的测试数据
A High-efficiency Realization Way of the Shortest Path Search Problem in GIS Field


There are many researches and applications about the shortest path searching in GIS field at present. Algorithmic efficiency of the shortest path searching is problem which has came to front and need to be resolved in application. In this paper, Author analyzes the optimization means based on the Dijkstra's shortest path algortithm and brings forward his optimization schemes beeline optimizing Dijkstra's shortest path algortithm from two aspects optimization of algortithm and data storage configuration. At same time, author discusses necessary testifying and application conditions in this paper. This scheme was applied in China Main City Highway Information Searching System, and has got satisfied effects. This paper also offers concerned testing data about Beeline Optimizing Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algortithm.
