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马凌洲1, 许端清1, 陈纯1(浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院软件研究,杭州 310027)

摘 要
提出并实现了一种在二维场景中模拟显示面料真实感效果的方法.为实现面料在特定场景中的效果模拟,主要需解决的是场景中面料伪曲面网格模型的建立,以及从面料图案到伪曲面的纹理映射.面料伪曲面网格模型,是通过在二维场景中建立曲边四边形,然后使用双线性插值方法对它进行网格划分来建立的 ;而在进行面料纹理映射时,是采用基于三角形网格的映射方法,同时还要考虑面料表面的明暗变化效果.运用这种方法建立的面料场景效果模拟系统,可以使面料设计者能够迅速地检查设计效果,用户能够方便地按照自己喜好来选购面料,具有良好的实用性能
Cloth Simulated in 2D Virtual Environment Based on Mesh Model


In this paper, we present a method to simulate the realistic effect of the cloth in the 2D virtual environment. In order to simulate the cloth that is in certain environment, we mainly need to solve the two aspects of the problem. Firstly, we need to establish the model of pseudo-curving surface meshes. Secondly, we need to map the texture of the cloth to the pseudo-curving surface. To model the cloth's pseudo-curving surface meshes, we firstly draw the outline of the curvi-edge quadrangle, and then generate the meshes on the pseudo-curving surface, with the method of bilinear interpolation. To complete the cloth texture mapping, we introduce the algorithm based on the triangle grid. Shading processing is also considered when we want to exactly simulate the cloth surface. With this method, we develop the cloth environmental simulation system. Designers can immediately check the production effect when they are designing the fabric. The customers can easily select their favorite cloth when shopping. So the system based on this method is very useful and valuable.
